Online Courses Starting in May



Step by Step (SBS) Surgery, the educational establishment founded by Mr. Jahrad Haq and Mr.Manisali, is now embarking on Online Courses.

The first of a series of courses – Intermediate Rhinoplasty: Analysis, Planning and Surgical techniques – is starting on the 11th May. This course will continue on Monday evenings for a 10 week period. There will be a repeat on Tuesday evenings for participants from the Southern Hemisphere.

The Course is designed for a small number of participants (not exceeding 20) aiming to create a tutorial like feeling, giving ample opportunity to the participants for Q&As.

The programme, with 10 lectures, will cover all relevant aspects of planning and surgical techniques at an intermediate level.

SBS is also hoping out to roll out a further similar course on the reconstructive aspect of skin cancer management in the next 3-4 months.

Download the course flyer HERE.

Visit the courses page to find out more about Step by Step surgery courses.